My Partner’s Love Style Quiz 1. When talking about their childhood, my partner:* Doesn’t share many memories. They talk about it in a vague way. Shares many memories and stories. They talk about it in a loving way. Shares few positive memories. They talk about it in a sad or disappointed way or get emotional. Doesn’t share any positive memories. They talk about it in a very negative or confusing way. 2. During times of stress, my partner needs to:* Take some space, feel peace and have some independence. Feel heard, understood and validated. Feel supported to know they can count on someone. Feel safe from abuse and have some control. 3. When there are tough spots in your relationship, my partner’s typical reaction is:* To not worry, they usually stay calm and are optimistic we will work through it. To attempt to fix or repair things. They either want to talk about their feelings or they can shut down. To back off, they might avoid the situation. If they do talk it’s usually not about their feelings. To be afraid, angry or avoid me. I get the feeling they don’t know what they want? 4. When it comes to my partner’s level of independence and decision making they usually:* Rely on me for some things. We make decisions together. Rely on me or other people. They can struggle with making decisions on their own. Rely on me for very little. They usually make decisions on their own. Rely on me for very little. They often avoid making decisions out of fear. 5. When my partner is upset or under stress they usually calm down by:* Talking it out with friends, family, or me. They appear to need people to calm down. Either being alone or turning to me. They are flexible in how they handle stress. Taking some time alone. They might want to talk about it after they are calm. Either getting upset or avoiding people. They often find it difficult to calm down. 6. My partner tends to express love in the following way:* By being verbally expressive, they tell me how they feel, and give me feedback or compliments. Through acts of service or physical affection. They often show love more than talking about it. By making me feel unconditional love and support from them. They express love in many ways. By being loyal. Otherwise, they are not terribly demonstrative or expressive. 7. I think that my partner most fears the following situation:* Being hurt or rejected. They like being understood and validated. If they are being taken for granted. They like to have support and recognition. Being trapped or being wrong. They like to have independence and for things to be accurate. Being abused emotionally or physically. They have some trauma in their past. 8. Which of the following strengths best describe your partner:* Warm and friendly. They are generous nothing is too good for friends and family. Calm and rational. They can be very charismatic, intelligent and self-reliant. Flexible and Balanced. They are highly competent, can handle many things, they work hard and play hard. Loyal and youthful. They have a childlike quality about them. 9. Specific things that bother my partner are:* If I interrupt them especially if they are focused on something else. If I have too high expectations of them. If I ignore them, avoid them or don’t make them feel special. If I don’t include them or I am inconsistent. If I’m not dependable and reliable or I don’t honor a commitment. They usually don’t get upset easily. If I do a number of different things. My partner can become upset easily. 10. When it comes to expressing negative feelings my partner usually:* Is quiet. I often wonder how they feel or have to pull it out of them. I hear about things later. Brings it up as soon as possible. I seldom have to guess how they are feeling. Brings it up when it is appropriate. I know they want to repair things and move on. Is quiet or angry. I don’t think they know how to talk about things constructively. Please tell me a little about you and your partner before you get your results:Your Gender:* Female Male Your Partner's Gender:* Female Male Your age category:*Under 2020-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970+Your Partner's age category:*Under 2020-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970+Current Marital Status:*PartneredMarriedHow Long Have You Been Together?* under 5 years over 5 years Get Your Results:Your Name:* First Your Email:* Subscribe to my Newsletter Sign me up! By checking this box you will be added to the Back to Love Doc mailing list.CAPTCHAScroll up to see your results. Δ